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Prayer. Care. Share:

Learn the simple plan to reach anyone with the Gospel.

Prayer. Care. Share:

Learn the simple plan to reach anyone with the Gospel.

Maybe you are like most Christians. You would like to be effective at evangelism. You want the Lord to use you to help people come to Christ. But you just can’t seem to find something that works for you.
We have good news for you. The Bible describes a simple, timeless system that works. It has worked for thousands of years. It works all over the world. It will work for you.

Two veteran professors, pastors and evangelists have identified, explained, summarized, illustrated, and applied their expertise into an effective system for winning people to Christ. This book is clear, concise, and compelling. It is filled with real stories about real people. It is loaded with practical examples and great ideas.

About Prayer, Care, Share

Join the movement of Christ followers who take the Gospel to family, friends, neighbors, and coworkers by praying for, caring for, sharing the gospel with, and discipling their neighbors.

The Prayer, Care, Share Lifestyle

We will help you discover the simple, practical, powerful, biblical, universal, timeless, yet essential principles for becoming an effective lifestyle evangelist.

Prayer care share

The Prayer, Care, Share Local Church Initiative

We will help you lead your church to develop an effective evangelism culture through a simple campaign.

Prayer, Care, Share Is…

1. Prayer, Care, Share is biblical. It simply applies the Second Great Commandment – Love your neighbor (Matthew 22:39).

2. Prayer, Care, Share works. Following this system makes all the difference between evangelistic effectiveness and ineffectiveness. In one church I led, we saw 100 people come to Christ and be baptized in a single year. The next year, it was 125 people saved and baptized. I led another church to double their baptisms from 30 to 60 in the first year. In a new church that we started in Las Vegas, we had 127 people saved and baptized in our first year of ministry. Prayer, Care, Share made a difference.

3. Prayer, Care, Share is universal. They are foundational principles and practices that work for any type of person or personality. They work in various places, including on college campuses, in big cities, and in the suburbs of the U.S. They work in every culture and country, and with every people group.

4. Prayer, Care, Share has broad application. Just as you can use these three principles to win someone to Jesus, you can use the same three principles to disciple them.

5. These practices are easy to understand and remember. It does not matter how sound a plan is if no one can remember it. “Prayer, Care, Share” is concise, clear, and simple. It’s just common sense. And it is easy to remember.

6. Prayer, Care, Share is doable. Any Christian can put “Prayer, Care, Share” into practice and see results. It is a clear course to follow.

7. Prayer, Care, Share is realistic. Most Christians can fit these practices into their busy schedules. It does not take a spiritual giant or someone with unlimited time to do them. These three practices are attainable for all Christians.

8. Prayer, Care, Share is motivating. Upon learning this system, Christians’ passion to evangelize is ignited. The principles are challenging, but not overwhelming. These principles take a Christian’s or a church’s impact to a new level. Whether you are a new Christian, a seasoned saint, a pastor, a missionary, or a church planter, these three practices work. These three habits lead to fruitfulness and fulfillment in ministry.

Prayer, Care, Share

Two veteran pastors, professors, and evangelists share the best evangelism system they have ever seen.

They have identified, explained, summarized, illustrated, and applied their expertise into an effective system for winning people to Christ. This book is clear, concise, and compelling. It is filled with real stories about real people. It is loaded with practical examples and great ideas.

About the Authors

Dr. Dave Earley

Dr. Dave Earley (D. Min.) has served as Chairman of the Department of Evangelism and Church Planting for Liberty University School of Ministry. He is the best-selling author of 25 books. He has been planting and pastoring churches for over 30 years. Dave has trained hundreds of people, pastors, and missionaries how to reach the lost effectively.

Dr. David Wheeler

Dr. David Wheeler (Ph.D.) serves as Sr. Professor of Evangelism and Sr. Executive Director of the Shepherds’ Office of Spiritual Development for Liberty University. He has been in ministry for 40 years, serving as a pastor, evangelist, and professor. David has trained thousands of students to live for Jesus and share their faith.